We’re excited to add transportation to our list of services! We understand the increasing demand for studies and planning in this field and welcome the opportunity to help you with your specific transportation needs. Our Transportation Division offers a wide range of transportation planning and traffic engineering services to both the public sector and private sector clients. The extensive experience of our transportation team combines modern technology with innovative thinking that give us a unique opportunity to provide our clients with workable, durable as well as cost effective solutions.
Our Services include:
Traffic Impact Studies (TIS)
Our team is well aware of the Traffic Impact Study requirements for provinces and municipalities in Western Canada. We are capable of conducting TIS for residential, commercial, industrial, entertainment, and institutional developments. We can assist our clients in preparing the development phasing plan and identifying the optimum land use mix within their developments which will integrate well with the transportation infrastructure.
Transportation Master Planning (TMP)
Our TMP expertise establishes the vision for transportation services for communities to accommodate population and employment growth. Our services include assessment of existing transportation system performance, forecast for future infrastructure requirements and development of policies to address transit and active transportation needs. We guide our clients to develop an interconnected system of mobility that provides better opportunities for the community residents to live, work and play.
Transport Modelling & Demand Forecasting
Using transport modelling techniques, C&W can provide an opportunity to our clients to simulate their existing and future transportation systems and traffic volume forecasts so that they can better understand their current and future transportation challenges. This provides the ability to test their transport policies and improvement options to overcome these challenges. Our team utilizes state-of-the-art transport modelling software to simulate the transportation systems, generate traffic volumes and conduct system performance. We are capable of doing all levels of transportation modelling; from a high-level strategic planning study (macro level) to an individual intersection model (micro level).
Functional Planning & Concept Design
C&W offers functional planning and concept design services to assist our clients in determining the existing, medium-term and long-term upgrade needs of the study corridors and identifying the right-of-way requirements of the transportation infrastructure. Our conceptual designs include access management plans, intersection locations and configurations, corridor staging plans, preliminary cost estimates, stakeholder management and public consultations.
Traffic Signalization
Our team is capable of identifying the warrant of new traffic signals, improving the timing plans of the existing signals and enhancing intersection geometry. Our services include intersection concept plans, level-of-services assessments, length of storage and acceleration/deceleration lanes, intersection timing plans including vehicle and pedestrian phasing, and phase sequencing plans and coordination.
Parking Studies
We provide all types of parking studies ranging from a supply/demand analysis of a specific parking lot to a parking feasibility study of a large community. We are capable of conducting a shared parking analysis, anticipating future parking demand, performing operation analysis at parking access locations, conducting queuing analysis, and recommending the most cost effective options to increase parking supply.
Traffic Surveys & Data Collection
C&W works closely with local traffic survey companies along with our own resources to undertake a broad range of traffic count surveys including roadway mid-block counts by Automatic Traffic Recorders (ATR), Video based turning movement counts at intersections, manual intersection and mid-block counts, occupancy counts, parking data counts, speed surveys, and travel time and delay studies.
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Catterall & Wright | Consulting Engineers
1221 8th Street East, Saskatoon, SK S7H 0S5
Parking is available on 8th Street East in front of our building between the hours of 9:00am and 4:00pm. Parking is also available along Wiggins Avenue and Munroe Avenue.
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